Metalúrgica Rosarina Fundición S.R.L. is a family company in its third generation. It dates from the fifties, when Mr. José Giardina, an Italian immigrant, started to make his first guns in the casting world.
Early in the seventies the company was founded in the actual manufacturing area of Metalúrgica Rosarina Fundición S.R.L., impelled by his five sons, today Managing Partners.
From the very beginnings, the company started with the manufacture of Brake Drums under its registered trademark: METROFUND®. Soon, Wheel Hubs and Joints were introduced (Drum, Hub). Since then we are suppliers for the Argentinean National market, Latin America, North America, Europe and Africa.
Metrofund was supported by important assemblies like Massey Ferguson Argentina, Scania Argentina – which provided nodular casting pieces – and Mercedes Benz Argentina, which provided brake drums as original spare parts, guaranteeing reliability and security, key features of the trademark.
Loyal to its history, in 2001, the company faces a new challenge by incorporating the manufacture of no traction axles for trailers, thus founding a new plant for its production.
Since then and with the aim of reassuring the reliability reached with the brake drums, the company works on quality by certifying its Quality Systems under the international regulations of quality ISO 9001:2008.
Today, the company is still supplying brake drums to new terminals, like Spicer Argentina and the Brazilian assembly Suspensys, which belongs to the Randon group. At the same time and continuously it satisfies the markets of Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, among others.
Simultaneously, the company works for important national assemblies that produce trailers, such as Metalúrgica Hermann, Acoplados Salto, Helvética S.A., Lambert Hnos, among others.
Currently, and without neglecting the national market, the company supplies all replacement market with the traditional brake drums and hubs, as well as every component of the no traction axle. Nevertheless, the company is incorporating the produce of tools for the farming world with the aim of supplying these industries in a short period of time.